8 Niche Online Store Ideas to get Your E-Commerce Business Running

If you plan on delving into today’s competitive e-commerce world, you need to have a product that is unique compared to everything that is being sold in the market.

With Amazon selling millions of products, there are already too many small e commerce businesses out there competing for every sale.

It is therefore most important to decide on a niche you’re best suited to attack. Here is a list of niche online store ideas to get you started on the process.

Organic Skincare

Organic skincare has become increasingly popular in recent years. More and more women (and even men) are demanding skincare products that are made with organic material and packaged sustainably.

In fact, the organic skincare product market is expected to gross $22 billion by the year 2024.

Although there are a number of online stores selling natural beauty products now, there is still space for more and your niche online store idea can take off.

Beauty Subscription Boxes for Men

Subscription boxes have become all the hype lately. According to industry figures, the growth in subscription boxes since 2011 has been greater than 200%.

These boxes are targeted at women and contain all sorts of beauty and cosmetic products, ranging from face wash to makeup. And, there are very fewonline stores currently selling such boxes for men.

If you are to decide to make this your idea, you can fill these boxes with all sorts of cosmetics that men want – maybe a shampoo, cologne and aftershave.

Rent Out High-Ended Fashion to Budget-Minded Divas

Many of us dream of wearing designer brands daily but cannot even think of affording such brands. A useful niche online store idea can therefore be renting out these high-end brands at a low price.

This idea is likely to be very effective and also very profitable, but probably difficult to execute. You will require a strong marketing strategy and perhaps delve into the realm of social media marketing if you wish to be truly successful.

Custom-Made Jewelry

Everybody likes truly unique stuff and what’s better than custom-made jewelry. Although handmade jewelry is not exactly a unique niche online store idea, it is one that is likely to be profitable if marketed well.

The great thing about hand-crafted jewelry is that you can always create something different to stand out from the rest. Use your creativity and ingenuity to create a brand. From necklaces to earrings to bracelets – the jewelry world in your oyster.

There’s just so much you can do!

Hand-written Letters

You can think completely outside the box and go with a with a very special niche online store idea – a hand written letter service.

In today’s busy world, very few of us have the time to actually sit down and write letters for people, even those very close to our hearts.

We choose to check up on loved ones using modern mediums such as texting and email. There is a certain charm that old schools letters had that is lacking in all these new methods.

You can capitalize on this lost charm and claim this unique niche online store idea as your own. You’ll be surprised by the number of positive responses you get. After all, we do have old souls living amongst us, even in the 21st century!

Body Positivity Inspired Retail

For a whole lot of us, one of our major problems with retail brands is the way they size clothes. Each of us looks very different from each other. Unfortunately, clothing brands tend to make clothes following the mantra of ‘one size fits all’.

Some women and men for example are extra petite and cannot seem to find their size in the adult section of most retail stores. Similarly, some men and women are larger than the Extra Large (XL) or even Extra Extra large (XXL) available in most stores.

Although there is an increased interest in body positivity today, there are very few stores actively displaying an acceptance of bodily differences. You can be one of the first to tap into this very important niche online store idea.

Bamboo Toothbrushes

In an era of sustainability, amidst demands to save the planet, bamboo toothbrushes are now in demand. The latest move towards minimalism is another reason why these toothbrushes are so popular nowadays.

Although there are online stores selling this product, you can make your niche online store idea successful by being sure to sell what you claim to sell.

Many online sellers claim that the bamboo toothbrushes they are selling are genuine and sustainable, but a lot of them are in fact selling fake products. Many of them use plastic for packaging, which defeats the purpose of eco-friendly consumer behavior.

Organic Grocery Store

Online grocery sales in the United States were $17.5 billion this year and are expected to rise to $30 billion by 2021.

Although, there are a number of online grocery sellers, not many of them specialize in organic food. Customers today want only what is good for them.

Many packaged items sold in stores are processed and contain ingredients that are harmful for human consumption.

Your niche online store idea can therefore be an online page that focuses only on selling grocery items made from healthy ingredients. So for example, instead of selling processed honey, you can sell organic honey.

These niche online store ideas can help you get started on your journey of launching a unique eCommerce business. The possibilities are endless but do make sure to do your market research and identify your target market before deciding on which idea is right for you.